(un)important odkazy

Na čem zrovna jedu: Challenge


So damned accurate

(Kašlete na to, že je to německy, ale videí s tímhle songem je na YT zoufalej nedostatek. English text dole.)

"The touch of day
I am bleeding away
I'm a victim of myself.

Scream to the sky
Asking God why
Have I lived to see this day?

There's no light in the shade
I begin my crusade
I cut to be free

Chasing the dream
The inside of me screams
Why have I lived to see this day?

My future is my past
That's why good things never last
I'm a prisoner of my mind

I want you to see
What is inside of me
But I'm scared what'd you find

When you say that you care
I can't hear, I don't dare
'Cause I know I'm not what you need

To loose you is worse
Than the screams of this curse
So I'd rather bleed

Scars on my skin
Tell me where to begin
Did a line like a diagram

There's no light in the shade
I'm a slave to this blade
I cut to know who I am

The pain is a map
And each gash, and each gash
Let me live another day

Feel cold and feel hot
And I cut, and I cut
To live and bleed another day..." 

Btw, jo, depka je fakt nejlepší období na pouštění takovejchle písniček.

1 komentář:

You can say anything you want. Well... I probably won't bite you.